Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A Tour of my Flat!

Since I didn't get photos out today I decided to take photos in!

This is the front entrance hallway from the point of view of the door of the living room looking
towards the front door....
opposite point of view from the front door hallway into the living room door...
the living room from the other side...on the left wall in the far corner is the door to the patio...I didn't take photos of the patio because the door is loud and my flat mate was asleep....

A Tour of my Flat Continued

Hallway that runs the length of the flat.
This is the view if you turn down the door on the left of the entrance hallway.
This first room you walk through on the left is the kitchen....
right wall of kitchen
left wall of the kitchen....
if you continue past the kitchen down the hallway photographed above this is the first door on the is the small bathroom....

A Tour of my Flat Continued

Hallway to my bedroom a right turn from the main long hallway.

At left is the door to the main bathroom...
right wall of main bathroom toilette and bidet....
left side of bathroom the shower...

A Tour of my Flat Continued

My Bedroom!
Entrance looking in
Far wall bed and corner windows
the right wall
the left wall
opposite point of view from the bed towards the door.

Today's Breakfast

Whipped up this breakfast from the groceries I had in the fridge. A scrambled egg with some of the four cheese blend, oj, and coconut yogurt I am obsessed with. The yogurt here has a smooth texture but with much more body. And the coconut flavor is only slightly sweet and unbelievably tasty amazing! I am probably going to put a 100 in my suitcase.

Today's Lunch

I found this beautiful tiny Whole Foods type place down the alley by the Fontana metro stop. (Note: You can always tell a Whole Foods type place when the produce is placed basket and the whole store smells of tea tree oil... ;)....)
Anyway at the front of the shop is a sort of make your own stir fry stand with a card that you fill out and a man behind a bamboo and glass booth woks it up you. I got the spicy sauce and added chicken and broccoli for 7.50€.

Today's Dinner

Today I brought Buffalo wings to Barcelona!
Two great things that begin with B!
Fruits of my labor.
Sauced up
Tobasco was the only hot sauce I could find at the market. No Louisiana, but it works!
Bleh, chicken looks so icky raw...

Truth be told I only ate the one chicken wing in the photo. And saved the others for lunch tomorrow. Yummy!